One Place, INC.

If you look closely at the pond in this village, you'll see women washing cloths, animals drinking (plus other animal "activities"), a young man washing his motorcycle (far right side), and a girl fetching drinking water!!! What is everybody thinking?
Children are especially vulnerable to waterborne disease. The desperate need can be summarized (1) Water, (2) Sanitation, & (3) Hygiene Training.

A Great Solution:
We have partnered with an organization based out of Winston-Salem, North Carolina named Hydrating Humanity. You may work directly with them as we do, and they have complete information at http://hydratinghumanity.org/ . You may contribute to them at different levels, or do a complete well sponsorship as we have. As of 2015, a "Spring Well" can be completed for $3,500, and a "Bore Hole" for $6,000. Watch this video (click here) of a Spring Well we did outside of Kisii, Kenya, in the village of Bogitocho. The "return on investment" in these wells reaches far beyond the health benefits, as many villagers come to Christ as a result of the testimonies of the Hydrating Humanity workers.

Questions about water projects?