One Place, INC.
One of our partner-recipients is G.F.E. Orphan ministries (Global Field Evangelism) operating from Eldoret, Kenya, in East Africa.
G.F.E. Orphans is led by Mary Bahati and we have worked with Mary and her team (Mash Mburu & Dan Just) since 2008. They are deeply commited to the health and welfare of the children by providing their housing, meals, clothing, education and medical care... all coupled with demonstrating the love of Christ as well as teaching the Word.
The determination has been made that providing all of these services calculates closely to $75 per month per child. There is an additional 1-time "start up" need of $100 to outfit bedding and initial personal items. GFE Orphans operates by individual donors supporting one or more of the children in the home.
Children are brought to the home as soon as donor funding is available. Orphaned children are referred here from villages all over the western half of the country, and unfortunately their is no lack of children who have lost their parents. Most of the situations are auto accidents, illness (a lot of HIV deaths), and sadly some are just abandoned.
If you have interest in sponsoring a child, please contact us to learn of who is available. There are always some who are waiting, as well as some whose sponsor may have had to discontinue due to an unexpected financial set back.
The GFE Orphan Home is located on 7 acres about 15 miles from the city of Eldoret.
This little girl was abandoned. GFE rescued her from being "dumped" into the forrest and left to die.
One of the House Parents, Joe Simiyu, holding his own daughter.
Doug with 2 brothers who are orphaned, but so happy to be together here!